As the greatest event in computer sports – the SC12 Student Cluster Competition (SCC) – prepares to kick off next week, tension is rising worldwide. Hordes of fans and industry insiders are analyzing the computing tasks, picking their favorite team or teams, and arguing about it with their friends and even their enemies.
We’ve done our part to add to the body of knowledge. For the Big Iron division of the SCC, we’ve explained the competition in detail, discussed the applications and tasks, and broken down all eight teams. We’ve done the same for the LittleFe competition (also known as ‘Mini-Iron) here.
So now that you’re armed with some serious knowledge about the competitions, it’s time to put a stake in the ground. Time to put some (virtual) money where your (very real) mouth is. We want to give you a fair shot in betting against your pals, not to mention an advantage over the myriad of touts trying to rope you into sucker bets.
With all this in mind, we’ve posted a virtual betting pool where you can bet on your favorite (or favorites) to win the LINPACK competition, the Overall Award, and the LittleFe division.
Click on this link to put your money down. We’ll post updated odds before the competition closes and compare the wisdom of the crowd vs. the actual results after the competition is complete.
Posted In: Latest News, SC 2012 Salt Lake City
Tagged: supercomputing, SC 2012, Student Cluster Competition, big iron, LittleFE, SCC