Results from the SC13 Student Cluster Competition in Denver, Colorado
Overall Standard Track Winner: The University of Texas at Austin, USA
(The second repeat winner in cluster competition history! Story here.)
Second Place: Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Consortium, USA (MGHPCC)
Third Place: Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (FAU)
Highest LINPACK:
1. National University of Defense Technology, China (8.224 TFlop/s)
2. Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (7.413 TFlop/s)
3. University of the Pacific, USA (7.225 TFlop/s)
(These are excellent runs, but not competition records. Why not? See our analysis here.)
Overall Commodity Track Winner: Bentley University & Northeastern University, USA
Second Place: Arizona State University, USA
(What’s this new competition all about? Read the details here.)
Lowest Cost per Gigaflop:
1. Arizona State University, USA ($4.99 cost per GFlop)
2. Slippery Rock University, USA ($5.01 cost per GFlop)
(This is the Commodity Track version of the LINPACK competition. Read about it here.)
Roll Call
SC13 Standard Track Competitors:
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany (FAU)
iVEC, Australia – a joint venture between the country’s national science agency and several of its universities
The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Consortium, USA (MGHPCC)
National University of Defense Technology, China
University of Colorado (Boulder), USA
University of the Pacific, USA
The University of Tennessee (Knoxville), USA
The University of Texas at Austin, USA
SC13 Commodity Track Competitors:
Arizona State University, USA
Bentley University & Northeastern University, USA
Skyline High School, USA
Slippery Rock University, USA
Posted In: Latest News, SC 2013 Denver
Tagged: SC 2013, Results